Football Money is a free to play Trading platform that lists players from five European leagues (Premier League, La Liga, Ligue Un, Bundesliga and Serie A) as stocks that can be purchased. The players listed value changes dependent on their Performance, and Ownership. To get a more detailed understanding of our unique approach to player price changes, navigate to the player price changes section.

You can trade the stocks bought on the Marketplace, or with your friends. The Goal of the trading platform is to pick assets that can grow your portfolio and get you to the top of the Leaderboard!

FootballMoney is a free to play trading platform that is launching a beta version to its users. All you need to do is verify your email address after signing up, and two million coins will be deposited to your FootballMoney account. You can use these coins to purchase stocks, and trade it on the marketplace or with friends!

You can purchase a maximum of Fifteen Stocks, with no more than Two Goalkeepers, Five Defenders, Five Midfielders, and Three Attackers, with no more than Three players from one club.

You also have an upper limit of buying 10,000 stocks at most for any individual asset, which would constitute 1% of the overall stock issued.

It is important to note that the Bank doesn`t buy back the stocks once purchased by the trader through the duration of the season. It is the trader`s responsibility and understanding that they own the stock and that these can be traded with their friends or on the marketplace.

All the stocks are bought back at the end of the season by the bank, and the stock ownership doesn`t continue into the new season. For exceptions, navigate to the “How do I trade” section

To make trading fun and fair, we developed a zero sum game which ensures that if Player A’s listed price goes up by X, then Player B would reduce in the exact same ratio, and the match Value would remain constant. Let`s create an simplistic example of how Player prices and Value change.

We have four players, A,B,C and D. They are all listed at Ten and each have one stock sold. The match value in this scenario would be Forty. A goal awards the player three points, which is proportionately deducted from all the other players. Player A scores a goal and his price goes up by three, taking his price to Thirteen, from Ten. With the Match Value set at Forty, we then have to deduct coins from the other eligible players to ensure that the match Value stays at Forty. With a three coin increase to be incorporated, and three other players, we deduct one coin each from the three other players to get parity. The table below shows how this would play out.

Stocks Data
PlayerPriceStocksValueEventNew PriceNew ValueAdjusted PricesFinal Value
Player A101103131313
Player B1011099
Player C1011099
Player D1011099

Final Value in the table above denotes the New and Adjusted prices multiplied by the stocks sold for the Players.

With a preliminary understanding of the Core concept of Football Money, we can now take a look at how prices change on the actual platform along with all the additional rules to ensure a fair Player price change mechanism!

Players are awarded points for actions taken on the pitch, based on four different positions: Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder, and Attacker

Fantasy Football Money Points
Positive Events (+ve)
Clean Sheet1010XX
Penalty Save20XXX
Shots stopped (x3)5XXX
Negative Events (+ve)
Yellow card5555
Red Card20101010
Own Goal20101010
Penalty Miss20101010

Goalkeeper shots stopped (x3) implies that a Goalkeeper gets 5 coins for every three shots stopped.

Clean sheets are awarded to players who have played 90 mins or more, and the score of the opposite team remains 0 at full time, implying that they didn`t concede any goals throughout the match.

Assists are not given for Penalties won / scored.


At the start of every match, all the players are subject to a 2 coin deduction to contribute to the Bonus fund. All the negative events listed above, also contribute to the Bonus fund. The fund is then awarded to the top 5 players of the match, whose price difference from the start of the match to the end is the ranking through which we award the bonus fund.

The Bonus is awarded as 30% to 1st, 25% to 2nd, 20% to 3rd, 15% to 4th, and 10% to 5th.

If there are players tied at ranks, then we assign Bonus as a collective for their ranks. If two players are tied for the first rank, then we count it as two players, total up the % distribution, and assign the third ranked player the bonus for third place. In this scenario, the two players tied at first rank would each get 27.5%. Additional sceanrios listed below:

Bonus Calculation
Bonus - 2P at 1st27.5%27.5%20%15%10%
Bonus - 3P at 1st25%25%25%15%10%
Bonus - 4P at 1st22.5%22.5%22.5%22.5%10%
Bonus - 5P at 1st20%20%20%20%20%
Bonus - 2P at 2nd30%22.5%22.5%15%10%
Bonus - 3P at 2nd30%20%20%20%10%
Bonus - 4P at 2nd30%17.5%17.5%17.5%17.5%
Bonus - 2P at 3rd30%25%17.5%17.5%10%
Bonus - 3P at 3rd30%25%15%15%15%
Bonus - 2P at 4th30%25%20%12.5%12.5%

Outside of this, there are multiple scenarios where 4th and 5th rank bonus distribution is combined and distributed amongst multiple players. If there are 10 players who were all ranked 4th and 5th together, then they each get 2.5% of the Bonus fund.

This scenario occurs in matches where there were very few players who got attributed a positive event within the match!

Max Cap:

All the players listed on Football Money are subject to a max cap of 100% value increase via Bonus. What this means is that the Value awarded via Bonus cannot increase the players price by more than a 100%. If there is value left over after the Bonus is awarded and the player has hit 100% price rise, the remaining funds are distributed amongst all the other players within that match who weren`t part of the Bonus fund.

For example, a player started the match at a price of 50, and their performance got them to 88, after which they were awarded a bonus. This bonus would have technically taken the players price to 112, however, with the max cap rule in place, the maximum this players price would increase to would be 100. The remaining value which would be 12 multiplied by the shares sold for the player would be equally distributed among non-Bonus receiving participants.

The exception to the 100% price rise rule is if the players price increases by more than a 100% organically, based on the actions / events the player undertakes within the match. If the same player listed above started the match at 50, and then scored a hattrick as a midfielder, then their price would go up 50 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 110. This is just a hypothetical as it doesn`t consider the proportionate price falls associated within the match.

The max cap rule is applicable to all players within the same match, and not beyond.

Max Drop:

Just as players are capped at a 100% increase for a positive performance, all the players are subject to a maximum of 20% price decrease within a match. If a player loses more than 20% of their value within a game, they are frozen and are not subject to any further price and value reductions, barring any negative events!

If a player started the match at 50, then the maximum they can drop to is 40, which is 20% below the starting price of the match.

Negative events are an exception to this rule. All the players will be subject to price reductions induced by negative events irrespective of the price. Negative events like Yellow card, Red card, Own goal, or a Penalty miss are all applicable at any point during the match and do not take into consideration the 20% Max drop rule.

The minimum price a player can fall to is 10. Bonus Coins are not deducted if the players price is at 10.

Any player who begins the match at a price of 10 is ineligible to receive the bonus fund.

Additional Max Cap and Max Drop rules:

If a player hits max cap while receiving bonus, and their funds are to be redistributed amongst the non-bonus receiving participants, then only those who are not frozen are eligible to receive max cap bonus excess.

All frozen players during a match are ineligible to receive funds from the Bonus fund, except in the scenario where a player hits a max cap, and all the other players have received a bonus, and only frozen players remain to redistribute the funds to. This is the only exception where frozen players will get part of the bonus fund.

The above scenario happens when a player hits Max cap, and there are funds to be distributed, but there were multiple players who got the bonus fund as being 4th and 5th together, and there weren`t any eligible players left to distribute the max cap fund amount to!

Series A Example IMG OR LINK

No rise in Value/ Price:

An additional important rule to understand is that a player may not get their price increased / value added in case of there being no funds from the other players. What this means is that, if all the players within a match are frozen for one reason or another, and a new player takes an action like a goal and is entitled to a certain value, they may not be compensated in its entirety due to a lack of funds or conditions set forth by the system.

To simplify, Player A has a price at 100 with 1000 shares sold, making his value at 100,000 at present. He scores a goal as a midfielder, and is entitled to 1000 * 20 = 20,000 increase in value. The remaining players within the match are all frozen or have lower number of stocks sold or are close to being frozen and don`t have 20,000 to support the increase in Player A`s value, then the value that can be transferred is what is transferred to Player A. In this made up scenario, the other players could only afford 16,000 in a value contribution to the event fund. Then, Player A`s Value will go up to 116,000 instead of 120,000. Player A`s new price would be 116 in this situation, and not 120 even though he is a midfielder and was entitled to receiving 20,000 for his action.

Match Log:

To help understand player price changes, we publish match logs at the end of every match to showcase how player prices and values have changed over the course of 90 minutes.

A match log is shown on the Fixtures and Results page and can be seen for all the matches that have occurred within the five European leagues.

Top of the page has the team names listed, along with the score for the game. The starting and ending value of all the players combined for both teams along with how much value was transferred from one team to another. The events that have taken place in the match are listed below. Players who took part in an event collectively do not undergo a price reduction for those events within the match. You will see assist player listed as who assisted the goal, and both the scorer and the one who assisted are not subject to any deductions, for that particular event. The same goes for clean sheets. If a Goalkeeper and three defenders get a clean sheet, then neither of them is subject to a deduction when clean sheet points are being awarded to the other players (goalkeeper / defender). Listed below the events is the Bonus fund collected for the match, and how it has been distributed amongst all the players based on the ratios stated above.

All the player names who were included in the playing 11 and substitutes are listed along with their price and value. Event 1 is always the Bonus deduction listed as the Start match event. All the times the players took a positive action, the boxes are highlighted in green to indicate value being added to them.

Bonus is always the last event of the match and is calculated based on the price difference from the start of the match to the end of the match.

At the end of the page, you will be able to see totals for the number of shares at play within the match, the totals of all events, and the totals of the value within the match. The Value within the match being same as that at the start and the end is the zero sum game employed.

You may occasionally see negative events not getting the entirety of the events value. What that implies is that if a player was at 14, and they got a yellow card, then with the condition that the minimum price cannot be below 10, they will only be deducted a price of 4, multiplied by the number of shares the player has sold. Let`s assume 1,000 shares were sold, then the Bonus fund will only inflate by 4000 coins. If a player was 10 when the negative event took place, the player is not subject to any further deductions.

For the rest of the events, you would see positive Value for that particular column be the same as negative value showcasing how coins were transferred between the players.

Let`s take a look at how all the rules setup above play out in match logs, and an example of the different scenarios that may transpire!

Standard Bonus:

An example of how standard bonus is distributed. 74221 is the Bonus collected for the match, and the bonus is distributed in standard ratios of 30%, 25%, 20%, 15% and 10%

  1. Example 1: Real Madrid VS Villareal (La liga: Round 17)
  2. Example 2: Arsenal VS Brighton (Premier League: Round 17)

The Bonus collected for the match is 73,000. With Arsenal getting a clean sheet, three of their defenders end up getting equal bonus for the 4th and 5th spot. Gabriel, Saliba and Zinchenko each got 6.08. The ratios were 30%, 25%, 20%, 8.33%. 8.33% & 8.33%. 8.33% is because 4th place bonus is 15% and 5th place bonus is 10%, summed up is 25%. Since the three players got the same gains, it was equally split amongst the three players.

  1. Lille VS PSG (Ligue Un: Round 16)

Max cap and spill over:

The bonus collected for this match was 87498. Rocco Reitz who was the top performer in the match with two goals, was entitled to 30% of the Bonus, which would have been 87498*0.3 = 26249. However, Rocco started the match at 38.01, which meant that the maximum his price can go up to is 76.02. With his performance, he hit the max cap and wasn`t awarded the Bonus in its entirety. He was given 2410 as bonus for him to reach 100% gain within the match. The remaining coins, i.e, 26249 – 2410 = 23839, were then distributed equally amongst non-bonus receiving players, who were not frozen. 16 players met that condition, and were awarded 1489.97 coins each. 1489.97 * 16 = 23839.52

  1. Borussia Monchengladbach VS Werder Bremen (Bundesliga: Round 15)

Max drop:

Florian Pick, Adrian Beck and Marnon Busch, all three hit 20% Max drops in this game. Florian Pick started the match at 16.35 and was frozen at 13.08, Adrian Beck started the match at 16.8 and was frozen at 13.44, and Marnon Busch started the match at 24.39 and was frozen at 19.52, which are all 20% lower than the match start price.

With negative events, max drop levels can drop further than 20%. Three players who got yellow cards in this game were frozen beyond the 20% mark.

Jan Schoppner - Match start - 23.48; Frozen at 15.48 (34.07% decrease in price)

Benedikt Gimber - Match start - 32.29; Frozen at 23.18 (28.21% decrease in price)

Nicolas Hofler - Match start - 42.62; frozen at 32.82 (22.99% decrease in price)

This match log also has an example of how 14 players were tied for 5th place, and shared the 10% bonus of the match amongst them, with each player getting 721.43 coins

  1. Heidenheim VS SC Freiburg (Bundesliga: Round 16)

Every player listed on the Football Money stock exchange is issued 1 million stocks for traders to purchase. No new stocks are issued during the season. As a trader you are limited to buying 10,000 stocks of an individual asset at maximum. This constitutes 1% of the overall stocks issued, to ensure that there are at least 100 individual shareholders for any of the stocks listed. The minimum the trader can purchase is 1 stock.

To ensure price changes for all the players, the Bank, through Test accounts created has purchased 1,000 stocks for each player listed. This ensures price changes for the funds to move from one asset to another through the price change mechanism.

Player prices at this point have been simulated after purchasing the stocks through test accounts. Any player who has more than a 1,000 stocks sold, has had stocks bought from an independent trader.

You have two options to trade on Football Money, via the marketplace or by trading with your friends.


The central place where you can list your stocks via the Ask feature, or you can Bid for stocks that you are interested in purchasing that may or may not have been sold out from the Bank

If a stock hasn`t been fully sold out from the bank, you can still put in a bid for a lower price and gauge whether any traders are willing to let go of their asset for a lower price than what the bank has it listed for.

Trading with friends:

You can add friends who are on the FootballMoney platform, and send them a Bid request for their stocks or an Ask request where you can request them to buy stocks you own.

For a more detailed and in depth understanding of the marketplace, or trading with friends, navigate to Operation manual – Marketplace section, or trading with friends section. You can click these hyperlinks to jump directly

  1. Marketplace
  2. Trading with Friends

The Bank doesn`t buy back stocks which are purchased by the trader through the duration of the season, and buys back all of the stocks at the end of the season. The trader doesn`t get to carry forward the stocks from one season to another.

Some exceptions to when the Bank may buy back the stocks the trader has purchased is if the said asset is transferred out of the five European leagues or has sustained a season ending injury, which is confirmed by the club. For any buy backs, the trader must request the Bank to buy back their stocks via the ticketing feature.

We assigned a budget of 50 Billion coins to the Premier League, Serie A & La Liga leagues, and a budget of 46.2 Billion coins to Bundesliga & Ligue Un.

Teams were awarded budget within their respective leagues based on the previous seasons standings. The teams that finished first got 6.25% of the budget, and 3.75% at the other end of the table. Every team then got 0.13155% less of a budget than the funds awarded to the team above, for the 20 team leagues. For the 18 team leagues, we deducted 0.08% lower than the one above. The start season budgets based on these ratios have been shown below.

Football Clubs Budjet Distribution (*Data in Col 2 and Col 6 has been deflated by 100x. Manchester City have been awarded a budget of 3.125 Billion coins )
Sr. NoX100EnglandSpainItalyX100Germany (18)France (18)
131,250,000Manchester CityBarcelonaNapoli31,250,000Bayern MunichPSG
230,592,250ArsenalReal MadridLazio30,592,250Borussia DortmundLens
329,934,500Manchester UnitedAtletico MadridInter29,934,500RB LeipzigMarseille
429,276,750Newcastle UnitedReal SociedadAC Milan29,276,750Union BerlinRennes
528,619,000LiverpoolVillarealAtalanta28,619,000SC FreiburgLille
627,961,250Brighton & Hove AlbionReal BetisRoma27,961,250Bayer LeverkusenMonaco
727,303,500Aston VillaOsasunaJuventus27,303,500Eintracht FrankfurtLyon
826,645,750Tottenham HotspurAthletic ClubFiorentina26,645,750WolfsburgClermont Foot
925,988,000BrentfordMallorcaBologna25,988,000Mainz 05Nice
1025,330,250FulhamGironaTorino25,330,250Borussia M'GladbachLorient
1124,672,500Crystal PalaceRayo VallecanoMonza24,672,5001. FC KolnReims
1224,014,750ChelseaSevillaUdinese24,014,750TSG HoffenheimMontpellier
1323,357,000WolvesCelta VigoSassuolo23,357,000Werder BremenToulouse
1422,699,250West HamCadizEmpoli22,699,250VFL BochumBrest
1522,041,500AFC BournemouthGetafeSalernitana22,041,500FC AugsburgStrasbourg
1621,383,750Nottingham ForestValenciaLecce21,383,750VFB StuggartNantes
1720,726,000EvertonAlmeriaHellas Verona20,726,000FC HeidenheimMetz
1820,068,250BurnleyReal ValladolidCagliari20,204,000SV DarmstadtLe Havre
1919,410,500Sheffield UnitedEspanyolGenoa
2018,725,250Luton TownElcheFrosinone

Once the team budgets were established, we then assigned player prices for the teams. The maximum price set for any player was 300 and the minimum season start price set for all the players was 50 coins.

Within the team, we split the budget for a 25 player squad, with the top player getting 10% of the total budget and the lowest ranked player getting a price of 50, or between 1.5% - 2% depending on the team budget.

We ranked the players based on their previous seasons tally of goals and assists as being the most predominant factor in deciding ranks within teams. We also took ratios of contribution within teams into consideration when assigning prices. If a player had 20+ goals and assists combined, and the next best player for the team had less than 10, then we adjusted the budget accordingly in those situations and gave the top players a bigger budget as compared to the rest of the team members if such a situation presented itself.

Manchester City`s season start prices and budget breakdown by player have been shown in the table below. To see the Season start prices for all the other teams, head over to the Bank page, select league, select team, and then sort on the SSP column to see the season start prices for all the other teams.

Player Shares & Price Distribution
NamePercentValueRecommended Value per shareFinal Price Rounded offShares issuedFM Value
E. Haaland103,125,000312.50300.001,000,000300,000,000
K. De Bruyne92,812,500281.25280.001,000,000280,000,000
P. Foden82,500,000250.00260.001,000,000260,000,000
J. Grealish72,187,500218.75240.001,000,000240,000,000
Rúben Dias61,875,000187.50200.001,000,000200,000,000
Bernardo Silva51,562,500156.25160.001,000,000160,000,000
N. Aké51,562,500156.25160.001,000,000160,000,000
J. Álvarez51,562,500156.25140.001,000,000140,000,000
J. Stones51,562,500156.25120.001,000,000120,000,000
Josko Gvardiol2625,00062.50100.001,000,000100,000,000
Jeremy Doku3937,50093.75100.001,000,000100,000,000
M. Akanji51,562,500156.25100.001,000,000100,000,000
K. Walker41,250,000125.00100.001,000,000100,000,000
R. Lewis2625,00062.5080.001,000,00080,000,000
S. Ortega2625,00062.5055.001,000,00055,000,000
James McAtee2625,00062.5050.001,000,00050,000,000
Taylor Harwood-Bellis2625,00062.5050.001,000,00050,000,000
Sergio Gómez2625,00062.5050.001,000,00050,000,000
João Cancelo2625,00062.5050.001,000,00050,000,000
Zack Steffen2625,00062.5050.001,000,00050,000,000
K. Phillips2625,00062.5050.001,000,00050,000,000
Scott Carson2625,00062.5050.001,000,00050,000,000

The Homepage of the website, is to view your stock performance. At the top of the page, you have Invested Coins, Current Coins, Wallet Coins and a Summary of your current performance

Invested coins:

Invested Coins are the sum of your Invested Value. Invested Value is the Average price you have paid for any asset. Average Price is calculated as the price you have paid to acquire any assets from either the Bank, the Marketplace or via trading with friends, minus any assets sold at the value sold. The portfolio Average price is meant to show how much you have paid for an asset on aggregate. Aggregate explained below.

If you purchased 10 stocks at 500, your average price is 50. If you purchased an additional 10 stocks of the same player at 800, then your average price is 65. ((500+800)/(10+10)). If you sold the 10 stocks of the same player at 100, getting 1000 value for the said assets, then your average price will reduce to 30 ((500+800-1000)/(10+10-10)). Sale of stocks across the three modalities of Bank, Marketplace, or Social (trading with friends) will impact the average price to show what is the average price paid for stocks. When all the stocks for a particular asset are sold, the Coins received are added to the Wallet, and incorporated in the Overall Profit/Loss.

Current coins:

Current Coins are the sum total of the Current Value. Current Value is the Current bank Price for any of the asset multiplied the number of stocks you own of that said asset

Wallet coins:

Wallet Coins are Cash you have available to purchase additional assets

Hold coins:

Hold Coins are essentially pending orders that you may have bid for via the marketplace or via the Social page. Hold Coins also show you the stocks you may have on hold via an ask request from either of the two modalities of trading i.e. Marketplace or Social.

Hold Coins limit your ability to buy stocks based on how many coins have been blocked. To reset hold coins, you can go to the Marketplace and cancel your Ask / Bid orders or go to the particular friend and cancel your Ask / Bid order there.

Coins bought:

Coins bought are the 2 million coins deposited in your account when you verified your email address.

Total coins:

Total Coins are the totals of your Current Coins and Wallet indicating your net worth at the current moment.

Trans cost:

Trans Cost is the total of Coins you have paid to FootballMoney for conducting transactions. Transaction costs are 1% of the value of trade placed on either the Marketplace or on the Social page. Buying stocks from the bank has no transaction associated with it.

P&L (CB-TC):

P&L (CB - TC) is the difference between Total Coins and Coin bought. A negative number in the P&L (Profit & Loss) indicates a loss, and that your current portfolio is lower than the Coins bought. A positive number indicates Profit showcasing that your overall net worth is more than what you deposited.

The Graph:

The Graph at the center of the page reflects your Total Coins value over a period of time, which is updated once every day at 00:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

Top Gainer Top Fallers:

This section shows which player has had the maximum gain or maximum loss since the beginning of the season. SSP stands for Season Start Price, BP stands for Bank Price also known as the Current Price, CP stands for Clearing Price which will show you the latest price this particular asset was traded for. Action (BUY) is the ability to directly buy from the Bank in a quick way.

My Portfolio:

Your portfolio is the central place to see all the assets you own.

  1. Player name indicates the name of the player whose assets you have bought.
  2. Team name is the name of the team they currently play for.
  3. POS stands for Position and shows you whether the player is a Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder, or Attacker.
  4. Stocks shows you the number of stocks you own for that particular asset.
  5. Average Price has been explained above. Click here to be redirected to the Average Price section
  6. Invested Value is the total value you have invested in the asset till date including purchases and sales of the said asset. Stocks multiplied by average price will give you the Invested Value totals.
  7. Bank price is the current price for the said asset.
  8. Current Value is Bank price multiplied by the number of stocks you own. The sum of all stocks Current Value is reflected on the Current Coins tab at the top of the page.
  9. Gain/Loss is the difference between Current Value and Invested Value. Indicating your gains / losses for that particular asset.
  10. Clearing Price shows you the last price the listed asset was traded at, via the marketplace.
  11. Vol 120hr is the Volume of trade that has transpired over the last five days based on UTC.
  12. High is the highest price this particular player has reached from a Bank price perspective
  13. Low is the lowest price this particular player has fallen to from a Bank price perspective.
  14. Action - Ask button redirects you to the marketplace where you can put in an ask request for the said asset.

The Bank is where you can buy stocks for all the players listed on the website.

Filter, Search & Sorting

Select League dropdown is for you to choose to see players from one of the five European leagues i.e. Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga or Ligue Un.

Select Team dropdown gives you all the 96 teams listed to choose from. You can also see teams based on the league by selecting the league from the Select League dropdown and see the teams for that particular league.

Sort: A few columns on the Bank page can be sorted to see numbers in an ascending or descending order. The columns that can be sorted are: Overall Rank, Player name, Position, Team, SSP (Season start Price), Bank Price and Market stock

Bank Stocks key details

  1. Action Buy Open a pop-up where you can purchase stocks based on the available coins you have in your wallet
  2. Overall Rank We rank players on the net gain they have made from their Season start price. Alejandro Grimaldo from Bayer Leverkusen is ranked #1 at the time of the Guide being written. His price went from 80 to 709, indicating a 786.05% increase. Percent increase can be seen if you scroll to the right end of the page, under overall Gain/Loss.
  3. Player name: The name of the player
  4. POS: Position they play - (Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder, or Attacker)
  5. Team: The team the player plays for
  6. SSP: Season Start price. To see how we set players Season start prices, click here.
  7. Bank Price: The current Price for all the players based on the player price changes that have transpired so far.
  8. Bank Stock: Indicates how many stocks have been issued for all the players. We issued 1 million stocks for all the players which can be seen here.
  9. Market Stock: The number of stocks bought by users for those particular players from the Bank.
  10. Clearing Price: The last price the player was traded at via the marketplace.
  11. Match played: Number of matches the player has played.
  12. Bonus Received: Total of all the Bonus the player has received for this season via the Player price change mechanism.
  13. Min. Played: The overall number of minutes the player has played this season.
  14. Goal Scored: The total number of goals scored this season.
  15. Assist: The total number of assists the player got this season.
  16. Clean sheet: Applicable only to Defenders and Goalkeepers, it indicates how many of the matches they played where they restricted the opponent from scoring a single goal.
  17. Goal Conceded: The total number of goals conceded by the team they play for
  18. Own Goals: The number of goals they scored inadvertently against their own team, and benefitted the opposite team, across the season.
  19. Yellow Card: The total number of yellow cards the player has received across this season.
  20. Red Card: The total number of red cards the player has received this season.
  21. Saves: The Total number of saves the goalkeeper has made this season.
  22. High: The highest price the player has reached based on the player price change mechanism.
  23. Low: The lowest price the player has reached based on the player price change mechanism.
  24. #Trades: The overall number of trades that have been completed for this player, across Marketplace and Social (trading with friends)
  25. #Trades 120HR: The overall number of trades that have been completed for this player, across Marketplace and Social (trading with friends), over the past 120 hours (5days). Do note that we refresh data at 00:00 UTC every day.
  26. #Trades 24HR: The overall number of trades that have been completed for this player, across Marketplace and Social (trading with friends), over the past 24 hours (1day). Do note that we refresh data at 00:00 UTC every day.
  27. Weekly Gain/Loss: This number shows the percent the player has gained or lost from the last time they played a match. A negative number indicates a loss in price and value, whereas a positive number shows a gain in price and value, since the previous round.
  28. Overall Gain/Loss: This number shows the percent the player has gained or lost overall, from the start of the season till the present date. A negative number indicates a loss in price and value, whereas a positive number shows a gain in price and value, since the beginning of the season.
  29. Action Buy: Pop-up to buy stocks from the bank

Player trading card:

The player trading card pops up when clicked on the player name. The card has more details about the player and shows the traders particular trades for the player. Player trading card fields explained below:

  1. Name: Player name
  2. Age: Player age
  3. Nationality: Where the Player calls home
  4. Height: Player height
  5. Weight: Player weight
  6. Position: Player position
  7. Club: Player club
  8. Overall Rank: Current rank for the player based on net gain / loss since the start of the season.

The graph shows the weekly price changes for the player. The X axis (horizontal axis) is the Round (commonly referred to as game week) number and the Y axis (vertical axis) is Price. Hovering anywhere on the graph would show you Round#, Gain/loss for that Round, and the ending price for that Round.

Player graphs are individual comparisons to themselves and the price on the Y-axis (vertical axis) is reflective of their own highs and lows. The graph of two players may look similar but pay attention to the price listed on the Y – axis (vertical axis) to judge them individually against themselves.

The Stats Row below is the same as the Bank.

User trading history: This shows the trades you have placed for this particular player, with Date, Price, Stock, Amount, Type and Status

Player Performance history:

This section on the player trading card shows who this particular player has played against, what their Match Start Price was, what their match end price was, the Absolute gain / loss accrued during the match, and the percent gain / loss during the match.

Marketplace is the central hub of the website where you can place your trades in a BID or an ASK format.

The top row shows the Player name, Season Start Price, Bank price, Clearing price, %Price change since the start of the season, and number of trades completed overall for the specific player

To select a player, click anywhere on the row where the player name is written. Once selected, the player name would populate at the top of the page with his details, the highlighted row is shown in Purple, and the default section of BID would have the player name listed there as well.

You can also navigate to team players by clicking on the Select league button and the Select team button to view players from a particular team.

The player Price history graph on the right is the same graph from the player trading card and shows the players performance history since the start of the season. Hovering anywhere on the graph will show you the Round#, Gain/loss for that round and the Round ending price for that player.

Once a player is selected, the Bid History Log and Ask History log are populated.

To see all the match logs, navigate to this section. The individual cards have the home team listed on top, and their goals listed on the left of the score line. The away team at the bottom and their score written on the right hand side of the score line. Clicking on View match log opens the match log in a new tab. To see a detailed explanation of what the match log is, click here.

Leagues listed from left to right: Premier league, Bundesliga, Ligue Un, Serie A and La Liga at the right most Column.

You can click on the Round dropdown to directly jump to a week, or use the Previous or Next buttons to navigate one week ahead or behind.

One Round can only have a team play once, and if a team is playing twice in the same round, we adjust the rounds with a 0.5 denotation. You will occasionally come across week 24.5, 25.5 etc, which will have fewer cards as these are rescheduled fixtures from earlier in the season.

This section shows the deposit you get after verifying your email address.

Do note that all the numbers within a match may or may not add up to 100% all the time. We manage trillions of coins, and an occasional discrepancy may occur. We have deployed decimal level trading and so, variations of low number of coins may happen from time to time.

We use Cookies to handle the website and are mandatory for us to be able to log you in and give you an individualistic experience. We haven’t placed any external tracking cookies on the website.

We rely on our API partners to provide us with the data, and on some occasions, events are falsely reported. We wait until the end of the match to re-run all the matches, and if our API vendor doesn’t update the match events till then, then those events are considered final. This may happen from time to time where an event gets changed after the match, but we would be unable to go back and change the event. Price changes are considered final when the match log is published.