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P&L (CB - TC)0
  • SSP
  • BP
  • CP
  • GAIN
Data not available yet
Data not available yet
  • Team NAME
  • POS
  • INV. VAL.
  • CUR. VAL.
  • VOL 120HR
  • HIGH
  • LOW
You don't own any stocks, go to bank to buy stocks


Invested Coins:

  • Invested Coins are the sum of your Invested Value. Invested Value is the Average price you have paid for any asset. Average Price is calculated as the price you have paid to acquire any assets from either the Bank, the Marketplace or via trading with friends, minus any assets sold at the value sold. The portfolio Average price is meant to show how much you have paid for an asset on aggregate. Aggregate explained below.
  • If you purchased 10 stocks at 500, your average price is 50. If you purchased an additional 10 stocks of the same player at 800, then your average price is 65. ((500+800)/(10+10)). If you sold the 10 stocks of the same player at 100, getting 1000 value for the said assets, then your average price will reduce to 30 ((500+800-1000)/(10+10-10)). Sale of stocks across the three modalities of Bank, Marketplace, or Social (trading with friends) will impact the average price to show what is the average price paid for stocks. When all the stocks for a particular asset are sold, the Coins received are added to the Wallet, and incorporated in the Overall Profit/Loss.

Current Coins:

  • Current Coins are the sum total of the Current Value. Current Value is the Current bank Price for any of the asset multiplied the number of stocks you own of that said asset

Wallet Coins:

  • Wallet Coins are Cash you have available to purchase additional assets

Hold coins:

  • Hold Coins are essentially pending orders that you may have bid for via the marketplace or via the Social page. Hold Coins also show you the stocks you may have on hold via an ask request from either of the two modalities of trading i.e. Marketplace or Social.
  • Hold Coins limit your ability to buy stocks based on how many coins have been blocked. To reset hold coins, you can go to the Marketplace and cancel your Ask / Bid orders or go to the particular friend and cancel your Ask / Bid order there.

Coins bought:

  • Coins bought are the 2 million coins deposited in your account when you verified your email address.

Total coins:

  • Total Coins are the totals of your Current Coins and Wallet indicating your net worth at the current moment.

Trans cost:

  • Trans Cost is the total of Coins you have paid to FootballMoney for conducting transactions. Transaction costs are 1% of the value of trade placed on either the Marketplace or on the Social page. Buying stocks from the bank has no transaction associated with it.

P&L (CB-TC):

  • P&L (CB - TC) is the difference between Total Coins and Coin bought. A negative number in the P&L (Profit & Loss) indicates a loss, and that your current portfolio is lower than the Coins bought. A positive number indicates Profit showcasing that your overall net worth is more than what you deposited.

The Graph:

  • The Graph at the center of the page reflects your Total Coins value over a period of time, which is updated once every day at 00:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

Top Gainer Top Fallers:

  • This section shows which player has had the maximum gain or maximum loss since the beginning of the season. SSP stands for Season Start Price, BP stands for Bank Price also known as the Current Price, CP stands for Clearing Price which will show you the latest price this particular asset was traded for. Action (BUY) is the ability to directly buy from the Bank in a quick way.

Portfolio Information

Your portfolio is the central place to see all the assets you own.

  1. Player name: Indicates the name of the player whose assets you have bought.
  2. Team name: The name of the team they currently play for.
  3. POS: Stands for Position and shows you whether the player is a Goalkeeper, Defender, Midfielder, or Attacker.
  4. Stocks: Shows you the number of stocks you own for that particular asset.
  5. Average Price: Has been explained above. Click here to be redirected to the Average Price section.
  6. Invested Value: The total value you have invested in the asset till date including purchases and sales of the said asset. Stocks multiplied by average price will give you the Invested Value totals.
  7. Bank price: The current price for the said asset.
  8. Current Value: Bank price multiplied by the number of stocks you own. The sum of all stocks Current Value is reflected on the Current Coins tab at the top of the page.
  9. Gain/Loss: The difference between Current Value and Invested Value. Indicating your gains / losses for that particular asset.
  10. Clearing Price: Shows you the last price the listed asset was traded at, via the marketplace.
  11. Vol 120hr: The Volume of trade that has transpired over the last five days based on UTC.
  12. High: The highest price this particular player has reached from a Bank price perspective.
  13. Low: The lowest price this particular player has fallen to from a Bank price perspective.
  14. Action - Ask button: Redirects you to the marketplace where you can put in an ask request for the said asset.

Average Price Section

The Average Price section provides information on how the average price is calculated.